Here are a few reminders and tips that come to mind, based on what we're seeing from the first problem set.
List your collaborators
Remember to list the classmates you worked with for each problem.
Attach your source code
It's part of your work too! This also applies to Mathematica/Matlab codes and commands. If you used Excel, type up the relevant formulas and functions used to produce your results, graphs, etc.
Manual submission time
If you turn in a hard copy of your set, please write down the date and time of when you turned it in. This includes late sets as well.
Email submission format
This is a plead from the TAs! We get a lot of submissions by email, and we need your help to speed up our manual process of printing everything out.First of all, please save everything as a single PDF file to make sure your submissions are formatted properly (which isn't guaranteed for Word documents when opened in Linux). Source can be saved as a PDF file by the "Print to PDF" function (native, Mac/Linux or CutePDF, Windows).If you have multiple PDFs (e.g. math as well as source code), you can merge them into a single PDF file using programs like pdfsam (Windows/Mac) or Ghostscript (Windows/Mac/Linux). Just remember to look over the output file to make sure you've combined everything in the right order. :)
Source code in LaTeX
If you use LaTeX to write up your sets, it's very easy to attach the source code: use the listings package and specify the filename of the source code, and the generated PDF file will automatically copy the code over with proper syntax highlighting. More details here.
For HW2, you've been asked to send the crawler code (testable on the CS cluster) separately by email directly to JK, so you don't also have to attach a copy to the solutions that you turn in.